Vape your concentrates on the go with a Dr. Dabber Light Concentrate Vaporizer! Dr. Dabber has created a compact vaporizer counterpart to the Ghost Vaporizer for the ultimate portability and reliability paralleled by few. Voted among the top 3 Concentrate Vaporizer pens, the Dr. Dabber Light provides the vaper with quality flavor and vapor production. This device features a leak free design that works to prevent excessively messy filling of waxes and essential oils. A recessed coil allows the user to simply load their concentrates into the reservoir and start vaping quickly. This smaller and lighter device offers a high-quality silica based wick combined with titanium coil technology for unmatched flavor and vapor production. Dr. Dabber’s Low Heat technology provides the perfect level of temperature for a variety of viscous concentrates and essential oils. Be sure to buy your own Dr. Dabber Light Concentrate Vaporizer Pen Kit today!
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