As a growing number of people take up mushroom growing as a hobby, novice growers frequently encounter confusion due to the wide variety of strains, cultivars, and even species offered by online vendors. Since not everyone has a degree in mycology, Golden Teachers, B+, or Penis Envy has a lot to learn and understand for beginners. It’s easy to understand why many novice growers frequently get stuck on which spores to start, especially when some of the wilder claims about various effects, such as euphoria, introspection, or induced spiritual epiphanies, are made by vendors who are more “marketing-focused.” To answer the question, “What’s in a strain name?” and assist you in making the best choice, In this article, we will attempt to deconstruct marketing and simplify the science.
The first obstacle in selecting the type of spores to grow is comprehending the distinctions between terms like species, strain, and cultivar. Golden Teacher Mushroom is Despite the fact that each term has a precise definition, novice vendors frequently use these terms, as well as others like variety and isolate, interchangeably.
The potency of your mushrooms typically piques the interest of the majority of mushroom enthusiasts, despite the fact that giving them distinctive growth characteristics may enhance their aesthetic appeal. There is currently no evidence to support the claim made by some mushroom growers that more potent strains are always albino. In this context, it is essential to emphasize that genetic characteristics typically function independently.
What we know about species-specific differences in potency—not just psilocybin concentration but also that of other alkaloids—is based on the small number of early scientific studies that have been supplemented by more recent research as renewed interest in psychedelics has grown. Based on these data, we can say with some confidence that Psilocybe azurescens is one of the most potent naturally occurring species we know of. In addition, research has demonstrated that the potency of cultivated species and wild species can differ by four and ten times, respectively.
Water accounts for roughly 90% of Golden Teacher and other Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. Consequently, it is essential to comprehend how this can affect dosage calculation. Compared to freshly harvested mushrooms, you will need significantly less dried material to experience the effects. In a similar vein, although a difference of a few grams between fresh and dried mushrooms might not be significant, it could be significantly larger.
For precise dosing, choose a scale that can weigh in grams and is accurate to approximately 0.5 grams (or 1/56 ounce if you choose to use the imperial system). However, it is essential to keep in mind that the “preferred dosage” is entirely subjective, just as you would not listen to someone telling you how much beer you should consume. Consequently, regardless of any emphatic statements you might read online, we recommend adhering to the proverb “start low and go slow” and locating the dose that works best for you.
The potency of Golden Teachers, which ranges from 0.6% to 0.7% by dry weight, is comparable to that of the majority of the other varieties of Psilocybe cubensis. A noticeable dose of approximately one gram begins to produce psychedelic effects when dried. Many people who are just getting started with magic mushrooms have found this to be a little bit overwhelming, despite the fact that many people advocate for larger doses (3.5-5 grams dried). For microdosing, 0.1-0.5 grams dried, or approximately 10% of the active dose, is a good starting point. It’s also important to keep in mind that certain drying methods can cause some potency to be lost. Even though this isn’t always the case, it’s something to keep in mind if your doctor tells you that your dose won’t get you where you want to go.
WEIGHT | Half Pound, Ounce, Pound, Quarter Pound |
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